You don’t just have to survive, you can THRIVE!
Here we are only a few days into quarantine for the Corona Virus here in the states and I am already over it.
Are you hanging in there?
If you are introvert, maybe this quarantine and social distancing are a dream come true.
Or if you are an extrovert, this extra time at home and social distancing might feel like a total nightmare.
Whichever way you find yourself swinging, you are not alone.
The extra stress of the constant pull to fear the virus, your kids being home and off routine, lots of unexpected emotional landmines, boredom, social isolation and even a temptation to be depressed might have you feeling like you are about to lose it more than ever before.
However you are feeling, it is understandable.

Covid-19 got you worried?
Our mood and emotions are one of the biggest influences on our health.
Research shows that humans have the potential to withstand seemingly impossible threats when they set their minds and emotions to do so.
And on the flip side, if their minds are negative they can convince their bodies that they are sick even if there is nothing physically wrong with them.
So here are the top 3 best ways you can not only survive the mental, physical and emotional STRESS of Covid-19 but actually thrive!
The Top 3 Best Ways to Thrive Under Stress
Get Outside:
I know that we are supposed to limit going places and seeing people but one of the best things you can do for yourself right now is getting outdoors.
Even if that is only a tiny space outside your front door.
If the weather is crummy, dress for it as best you can and go out in short frequent bouts.
If the sun is shining, head out the door to sit in the sun, work in the yard, make up your own workout or play with your kids (they need to be outside too).
We talked about the importance of Vitamin D for our immune system and much more to help our bodies.
Getting outside in direct sunlight is one of the best ways to get more of this sunshine vitamin!
Being outdoors also helps brighten your mood and decrease anxiety and depression.

Get outside every day
Calm and Focus
Have you ever tried meditating or calming your mind with deep breathing and quiet time?
There is so much research that shows the benefits of meditation and intentional relaxation in reducing stress.
Taking as little as 5 minutes per day to focus your mind and calm your body and thoughts can help your body recover and restore your health.
Try laying down on the floor, closing your eyes and slowly tightening your body from feet all the way to the top of your head.
Then reverse it and relax everything from the head back down to the feet.
Do this 5 times before you open your eyes again.
Have you ever considered meditation? It might sound strange but meditation simply means to engage in contemplation or reflection.
One of my personal favorite ways to meditate is to focus on a specific scripture or song. I love the Abide app (you can try it here) for this.
I also enjoy the Headspace app for body relaxation and mental rest. You can check it out here.

Calm your body and focus your mind
Creatively Connect
One of the biggest responses to times like this is to socially isolate.
Whether you are afraid of getting exposed or breaking the rules, hiding in your house can be very tempting.
But isolation can have some of the worst side effects.
Feelings of anxiety and depression sweep over you.
Emotional eating makes you gain 20 pounds..
Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and stress hormones can shoot through the roof.
And much more…
Instead, choose to purposefully connect with 5 people each day.
Try scheduling FaceTime or a FREE Zoom call with friends or family (click on the link to try zoom out for free).
Write old fashioned letters to loved ones or the elderly who are stuck in isolation.
Start an email or text contest with your best friends to see who can find the funniest corona memes.
Join Facebook groups on your favorite topics to connect with others from across the globe (like the Real Well U Community).
Pick up the phone and actually call someone to chat.

Find ways to creatively connect
Want to share your favorite way to creatively connect? Comment below or tell me all about it in the Real Well U FB group (which you totally should join NOW)!
There are so many more ways to successfully get through this time of craziness. I will continue to share more with you in the coming days.
Here’s to all of us staying healthy!
By the way…
When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you be the healthiest & happiest YOU while becoming more confident and comfortable in your own skin.
1. Take the fun and FREE quiz to discover what metabolism myths and challenges might be holding you hostage so you can’t reach your goals.
2. Take a quick step forward to your goals by joining the28 Day Body Transformation Challenge.
3. Go deeper with56 Days to Less Me & More Free to accelerate healthy habits and get powerful results that last!
4. Become a VIP and get access to my exclusive individual coaching program. I help you take your dreams of a healthier and happier YOU and make them come TRUE for the rest of your life.
If faster results and lasting transformation are what you crave, email me at with the word “VIP” in the subject line and I will set up a free 1 on 1 strategy session to see how we can best work together.