Ever had a rough day?
Maybe it even had you wondering why you got out of bed in the first place?
I sure have. In fact, they happen regularly. Sometimes it is me, my emotions, mind or body. But lots of the time it is because of things completely out of my control.
The perfect example happened just last week.
My email provider shut down my account saying I was spamming the world and sending too many messages. They wouldn’t allow me to send any more messages.
After this happened, the emails kept pouring in and I could not respond to anyone. Clients were waiting, business contacts were expecting my response and I was helpless to fix the problem on my own.
Needless to say, that was super frustrating and had no quick solution.

Honestly all of us face things regularly that have the potential to mess up our day.
Small things like flat tires, sick kids and grumpy bosses or big things like health problems, money shortages, relationship challenges, job woes and more.
This got me thinking…
What do we do when we are having a rough day, week, month or even year? Do we crumble under the pressure and fall apart?
Or do we look for help outside ourselves, rise to the occasion and push through?
Every day we all have hard things in our lives. Consider what I mean.
Have you stopped to think that the single person you have been envying for their free time to focus on themselves might be lonely and wishing they had your loved ones?
Or the skinny person at the office that you compare yourself to all the time might have a chronic illness that makes it impossible for them to maintain a healthy weight?
Your hard things are different than mine, are different than anyone else’s, but to each of us, they can feel overwhelming and HUGE.
Remembering this, here are 3 concepts I encourage you to ponder:
3 Concepts to Remember
1- The hard things each of us face are unique to us
Just because they are different doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of our respect, patience, and kindness to one another. Don’t you want others to handle your hard things kindly?
Take a breath, look around and remember to walk a moment in the other person’s shoes. Compassion feels so good when we receive it. We need to extend it more too!
2 – You are not alone
You don’t have to face your challenges by yourself. Look up, look out and ask for help.
Whether you believe in God or not, he is ready and waiting to help you. Perhaps you should talk to a friend or family member and seek their support through your tough times. Don’t be afraid to get professional help.
And know that I am here to help you any way I can too!
Giving yourself a moment often puts things in perspective and allows your brain to catch up with your emotions to help you reflect accurately on the situation to find a better solution.
Depending on the size of your challenge, choose how long you want to pause.
For example: when you are angry at your kids, walk away, take 10 deep breathes and then respond.
If it is a situation at work, wait an hour before you send that email to allow yourself time to contemplate the best way to respond.
And the list goes on…
So back to my example of a tough day.
The solution to my email woes took far longer than I wanted. But as the frustration mounted, God reminded me that I had a choice to make.
I could get mad and let it further ruin my day and week.
Or I could consider it an unexpected opportunity to make the best of it.
It took me some moments to think, pray and ask for help, and choose to accept the opportunity.
Over the next few days, I was able to talk to people in person or on the phone to respond to their needs and it was refreshing. Not only did we get to communicate in a different way, but it allowed me to serve them in a more personal and powerful way.
Those few days without email were really a blessing in disguise!

While your situation might be completely different, I encourage you to remember no matter what you are facing today, there is always hope. You have the same choice to make.
Will you let your tough things frustrate, overwhelm and immobilize you? Or will you look for the good that might possibly come from them?
Yes, it is not easy. You might have the right to wallow in your stuff. But you don’t have to get stuck there.
If you need someone to share with and help you, comment below or send me a message now at esther@realwellu.com. I am here for you.

This caught my eye as I was struggling and encouraged me so I just had to share it with you.
Here’s to keeping your track record of getting through bad days!
And don’t forget:
When you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you become the healthiest & happiest YOU while being more confident and comfortable in your own skin.
1. Take the fun and FREE quiz to discover what metabolism myths and challenges might be holding you hostage and how to break free from them
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3. Leap into 56 Days to Less Me & More Free to accelerate healthy habits and get powerful results!
4. Become a VIP and get access to my exclusive individual coaching program. I help you take your dreams of a healthier and happier YOU and make them come TRUE for the rest of your life.
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