Part 1: Why Community Matters

Perhaps you have heard about the research and book “Blue Zones”?
The author’s purpose in his search was to find the common links between communities across the world where the most number of people lived to be 100+.
Some of the results he found were expected like:
- Don’t smoke
- Exercise regularly
But some of the results were more surprising like:
- A good healthy lifestyle can add a decade or more to your life
- Drink more frequently (in moderation)
- Eat less
- Make family & others a priority
- Slow down
The book had more helpful insights into what has made some of the healthiest and long living communities in the world.
There is also more great information about how to transform your own communities to support these same health outcomes.
While I found the book fascinating and the ways communities across the world are trying to emulate this powerful idea very interesting.
I think that the author hit on something when he proposed that healthy communities are determined by more factors than we thought.
You see healthy communities go way beyond moving more or eating a certain way.
Here’s what I mean:
First off, what makes a healthy community anyway?
a healthy community is one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources that enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and in developing to their maximum potential.”
World Health Organization
Notice that it doesn’t say that the community has the lowest disease or illness rate.
Instead, it is making opportunities for its members to grow in their control and transformation of their health through available resources.
If you look at research today, there are tons of studies that point out that who you are with and where you live, have more influence on your health than you might think.
Just try searching this on google and you will be overwhelmed with the results.
You may think this is a strange topic for me to be writing about but I am passionate about it!
I have found from my own personal experience that connecting truly transforms a community and gives people a healthy place to belong that can change their life.

I am passionate about community
When I first moved to the big city almost 20 years ago, I didn’t know anyone.
I felt lonely and wasn’t motivated to go for a run on unknown streets or keep up with my fitness and health.
Then I found my local recreation center. I tried a group exercise class and it changed everything.
Within a few short months, I went from lonely and lost to having a place to belong and being motivated.
Can you believe one of my instructors even inspired me to take courses to become a fitness professional?
Since then I have been teaching classes, leading my local healthy community program and more!
I don’t tell you all this to brag but to say that if I can do it, so can you!
Getting connected with your community might just be the missing part of your health journey.
So….with this greater understanding of health and the role communities’ play, what does that mean for you?
Make sure to read Part 2 to discover 5 things you can do to embrace your community and boost your health!
Ever had a similar experience? Don’t forget to tell me all about it in the comments below!